Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 10, 2013

HTC Touch Hero Sprint CDMA Discounts

PrettyBEBE (US) :
I bought this phone as replacement for my boyfriend's phone. We have Sprint and his died after only a month. I guess that's what happens when you get the free phone offered at sign up. This phone works just fine, I'm very pleased with the purchase and got a much better deal than anything I could've gotten through Sprint.

Tressie Ellis (CA) :
I was excited that I had found this product but when I received it, I took it to the Sprint store and they told me that they could not add it to my service. The agent called the help desk and they said that it would take an addiional 10-14 days to check it out to see why they were not able to add it. It was sold to me as new and it wasn't new. I had to go and purchase another phone like it at another store. It has been difficult to find a return address too. This is the first time I have been disappointed about any purchases from this site.

Andrea (NY) :
My brother had dropped his phone in a toilet which is why I decided to buy this phone for him. It seemed appealing because it was so cheap and worked well at first. But with in a couple weeks the phone began to slow down dramatically. Sometimes he won't receive calls and texts won't be received until hours later. Now we are looking into buying him another phone. We definitely got what we paid for with this phone.

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